Solar System:- The solar system comprises of the Sun and its eight planets , their satellites and 5 dwarf planets , which are believed to have been developed from the condensation of gases and other lesser bodies. It also consist of asteroid, meteoroids, comets, electrically charged gases called Plasma, interplanetary dust particles. Components other than these are known as Small Solar System Bodies(SSSB).

Solar System
Some Important Facts of Solar System
Biggest Planet Jupiter
Smallest Planet Mercury
Nearest Planet to SunM Mercury
Farthest Planet to Sun Neptune
Nearest Planet to Earth Venus
Brightest Planet Venus
Hottest Planet Venus
Coldest Planet Neptune
Red Planet Mars
Biggest Satellite Ganymede
Smallest Satellite Deimos
Blue Planet Earth
Morning Star Venus
Evening Star Venus
Planet with Red Spot Jupiter
Brightest Planet outside Solar System Sirius(Dog Star}
Closest Star of Solar System Proxima Centauri
Fastest rotation in Solar System Jupiter
Slowest rotation in Solar System Venus
Fastest revolution in Solar System Mercury
Slowest revolution in Siolar System Neptune
Earth's twin Venus
Only Satellite with an atmosphere like Earth Titan
Green Planet Uranus
Densest Planet Earth
Planet with maximum numbers Satellites Saturn
Some Important Facts of Solar Family
Planets Revolution period
(in Days)
Rotation period
(in Days)
No. Of Satellites Density
Mercury 88 58.65 0 4.80
Venus 224.7 257 0 4.85
Earth 365 1.00 1 5.52
Mars 687 1.03 2 3.95
Jupiter 4333 0.41 67 1.33
Saturn 10759 0.43 62 0.69
Uranus 30686 0.45 27 1.36
Neptune 60188 0.66 14 1.30
Some Important Facts of Sun
Average distance from Earth 149598900 km
Diametre 1391980 km
Temperature of the core 15000000
Rotation Speed 25.38 days(with respect to equator) 33 days (with respect to poles)
Chemical composition Hydrogen: 71%, Helium: 26.5%, Others gases:2.5%
Age 4.6 billion Years
Total life 10 billion Years
Time taken by sunlight to reach earth 8 min. And 16.6 sec.
Speed of light(in Vacuume) 300000
Some Important Facts of Moon
Average distance from Earth 384365 km
Diametre 3476 km
Ratio of diametre of moon to that earth 1 : 3.7
Rotation Speed 27 days 7 hrs, 43 min & 11.47 sec
Revolution speed 27 days, 7 hrs, 43 min & 11.47 sec
Time taken Moon light to reach earth 1.3 sec
Percent of surface visible from earth 59%
First man to reach moon Nil Armstrong and Edvin Aldrin on Apollo XI(1969)
Some Important Facts of Earth
Age 4550 million years
Mass 5.976 x 1024 kg
Volume 1.083 x 1024 kg
Mean Density 5.518 kg/lt
Total Surface Area 510 million sq . km
Land Area 29.2% of the total surface area
Water Area 70.8% of total Surface area
Equatorial Diametre 12755 km
Polar Diametre 12712 km
Escape Velocity 11.2 km/sec
Highest Land point Mount Everest(8848 m)
Lowest Land point Dead Sea(396 m)
Greatest ocean Depth Marina Trench(11033 m)
Equatorial Circumference 40076 km
Polar Circumference 40024 km
Mean Surface Temperature 140° C
Maximum distance from sun(Aphelion) About 152 million km
Minimum distance from sun (Perihelion) About 147 million km
Rotation speed 23 hrs, 56 min & 40.91 sec
Revolution speed 365 days, 5 hrs & 45.51 sec
Date when days and nights are equal Mar.21 (Vernal Equinox), Sept.23(Autumnal Equinox)
Dates of longest days and shortest nights June.21(Summer Solstice), Dec.22(Winter Solstice)
